SERISM will evaluate the role of the endocannabinoid system in the alterations of bone metabolism in an innovative cellular model based on human blood-derived stem cells.

The principal Investigator is Prof. Mauro Maccarrone of the Biomedical Campus University of Rome. The Payload Developer is Kayser Italia S.r.l.

This study derives from the  ROALD  project results (Role of Apoptosis in Lymphocyte Depression) and from the ROALD2/RESLEM (Role of the Endocannabinoid System in human Lymphocyte Exposed to Microgravity), both experiments  carried out on board of the ISS in the previous  space missions. Stem cells will be isolated to the ground from healthy blood donors and  subjected to a de-programming cell treatment of 72 hours with the M-CSF Factor (Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor). At the end of the proceedings stem cells, differentiating agent (Rapamicina) and the fixative (RNA later) will be flushed in the respective compartments of the experimental containers. The hardware Experiment Units (EU) will be integrated inside the KIC EC, that allows to interface the EU to KUBIK, and finally transported to the ISS within a Biokit.