The Company

Kayser Italia is a Small Medium Enterprise private independent aerospace system engineering company owned by Dr. Valfredo Zolesi’s family. It was incorporated in 1986, and since 1995 it’s 100% Italian property.

Kayser Italia is primarily involved in the design, development, manufacture and testing of systems and components used for scientific and technological research activities on board of space platforms, including the International Space Station (ISS).


In the last three decades, Kayser Italia achieved a long record of successes in space flight missions.


Advanced technologies development. For more than 30 years, Kayser Italia has developed many new technologies for advanced space research with the purpose to make them available on ground, for the improvement of human health, the industry development and of the daily life activities.

Competence Areas

Electrical/Electronics, Mechanics/Structural/Thermal Software




L’esperimento IMMUNE CELL ACTIVATION (ICA), finanziato dall’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) nell’ambito di un programma per la commercializzazione di prodotti innovativi, è stato lanciato verso la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) in data 30 gennaio alle 12:07…

PROMETEO-2 experiment launched!

Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Cape Canaveral, Florida – 18th January 2024. The NanoProtection experiment (also known as PROMETEO-2), funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), has been successfully launched! PROMETEO-2 focuses on studying oxidative stress…

Osteogenic cells – integrazione

Lo scopo dell’esperimento OSTEOGENIC CELLS,  condotto in collaborazione con un team scientifico dell’Università di Leuven (Belgio), è di investigare il comportamento in microgravità di specifiche linee cellulari (osteoblasti e cellule primarie periosteali) per comprendere gli…

ARED-Kinematics launched!

ARED-Kinematics has been launched on-board SpX-28 from Cape Canaveral! June 5th, 2023 Cape Canaveral. ARED-Kinematics is a human physiology experiment supported by ASI and ESA, aimed to quantify the joint torque, muscle forces, and bone…
space Missions
years of activity


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