Composed of 21 teams from 19 institutions representing 10 different European countries, MYOAGE combines a critical mass of researchers with their respective technological and material resources to build a lasting structure able to both provide a European leadership and contribute to the muscle ageing field at an international level.
Kayser Italia has contibuted to the project with the development of an innovative HW and SW system for the monitoring and the assessment of the personal daylife activities.
The system is composed by a set of wearable sensors and of analysis software hosted at the Kayser Italia premise. Data can be uploaded on the system from a remote site. The sofware analyses classifies the sensors’ data and assesses the type of activity and its intensity. Aggregated data views allow an easy assessment of the subject actvities and their evaluation with respect to the expected levels.
In support of the validation activities, a smartphone app has been developed to log the subject activities. For more information on the MYOAGE project visit
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 223576.