ENAMISS Energetic Neutral Atoms Monitor on the International Space Station (H2020) SOC2 Towards Neutral-atom Space Optical Clocks (FP7) MYOAGE Understanding and Combating Age-related Muscle weakness (FP7) DANGER Planning and Monitoring of Dangerous Goods Transports (ASI) FACT Future Atomic Clock Technology (FP7) V-FIDES Veicolo Filoguidabile per l’Identificazione, la Detezione e l’Esplorazione Subacquea DATAFORM Digitally Adjustable Tooling for manufacturing of Aircraft panels using multi-point FORMing methodology (FP6) SVATT Sviluppo e VAlidazione preclinica di un Trattamento TERANOSTICO per il tumore del melanoma basato sull’impiego di cellule del sistema immunitario