Euro Material Ageing (EMA) is outside the ISS!

Euro Material Ageing (EMA), an experiment developed by CNES composed of the combination of equipment SESAME and IR-COASTER has been launched on November 5th 2024 from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida to the…


Photo credit Kayser Italia.
ICU proto flight model during TVAC test. All unit interface connectors are mated to the TVAC chamber field through in order to operate ICU in Vacuum conditions.


L’esperimento IMMUNE CELL ACTIVATION (ICA), finanziato dall’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) nell’ambito di un programma per la commercializzazione di prodotti innovativi, è stato lanciato verso la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) in data 30 gennaio alle 12:07…

PROMETEO-2 experiment launched!

Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Cape Canaveral, Florida – 18th January 2024. The NanoProtection experiment (also known as PROMETEO-2), funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), has been successfully launched! PROMETEO-2 focuses on studying oxidative stress…

Osteogenic cells – integrazione

Lo scopo dell’esperimento OSTEOGENIC CELLS,  condotto in collaborazione con un team scientifico dell’Università di Leuven (Belgio), è di investigare il comportamento in microgravità di specifiche linee cellulari (osteoblasti e cellule primarie periosteali) per comprendere gli…